Sunday 6 July 2008

Why The Growth of Racism Has Little to do With Racists

The rise of the far right, the rise of fundamentalism and terrorists networks, and the continued support for Israel, even when they too commit atrocities, have one thing in common: they are dictated almost exclusively by one version of 'truth', by unaccountable privilege and by a basic lack of human respect which form a natural breeding ground for bullies, racists, extremists and disdain for the natural rule of law. They are also a direct product of the fragile and debilitating Israeli-Palestine conflict where each side acts in a mindlessly violent way while claiming to wear the mantle of 'truth'.

However, what is the real truth in this case involving two opposing sides where it is clear that one is more powerful than the other and has used its might to ruthlessly enforce that power? There is little doubt that, had the Palestinians being similarly armed with both the right weapons and allies, this conflict would have been resolved a long time ago.

Truth in any major situation, where the stakes are high, is thus an elusive concept, governed totally by four key elements: power, privilege, money and colour. As three of those elements are changing constants, today's truth would have been yesterday's 'lies'. Nelson Mandela, Martin McGuinness, Robert Mugabe, Fidel Castro – now all respectable, politicians, though 'terrorists' of old are living testaments to that.

Loss of Moral Fibre
At the moment, the 'truth' according to Israel is the one in force and that 'truth' is being accepted, condoned and promoted by powerful allies in a world which is rapidly losing its moral fibre, its sense of values and sense of direction; a world where the rule of law, the legitimacy of it and the application of the law is being constantly flouted and ignored by those whom 'truth' favours, or who are powerful enough to disregard it. In fact, there is a kind of international lawlessness developing which is masking an enormous amount of racism and bias under the guise of 'justice', to the extent that the only real terrorists now appear to be the Al Qaeda network. No other terrorists, particularly if they are White, seem to matter at all.

The rise of the far right, and fundamentalists, is indicative of the power of the privileged to use their media and economic resources to ensure only their 'truth' is acknowledged and accepted. Such prevailing 'truths' are also strong indicators of growing personal anxieties, our changing values regarding each other and the ensuing racism in the world order caused by increasing public selfishness, apathy and a widening economic gulf between the rich and poor.

Thus racism is not limited to racists, nor is it controlled by them. Racism thrives because the political and privileged elite dictates the pace through their unassailable 'truths' while the majority do nothing, their silence and inaction fuelling the covert bias, continuing oppression and gross injustice to powerless minorities. A growing White minority across Europe feels powerless, disenfranchised and anxious about their lives and prospects, seeing scapegoats in racism and xenophobia as the answer, while a complacent majority looks on disinterestedly until they are forced to take notice to preserve both themselves and their freedom. The world also looks on uncaringly too while many atrocities are committed by both Israel and Palestine, unable to see that this conflict will engulf us all on cultural and racial, lines if it continues unabated. Additionally, Israel, of all countries, should have realised by now that one cannot destroy a people into submission. History has shown repeatedly that they will only rise again, more powerful than before.

Irrefutable 'Truths'
The only irrefutable truth is that people in Palestine and Israel are dying needlessly and a resolution is now imperative. The state of this ravaging conflict has continued so long and is now so dangerous to Middle East stability and world peace, the blame has to stop on either side for the conflict to be resolved. The historical counter accusations and carnage are well documented for all to see. What is needed now is for Israel and Palestine to cast aside continued vengeance for their dead and concentrate on the living; to nurture the environment in which as many of their people can reach adult fulfilment to ensure both country's existence. It means mutual respect accorded, not just from the powerless to the powerful, as well as an acknowledgment by the privileged White countries that power carries even more responsibilities than it does rights.

Power comes not from mere arms but from knowing how to use one's influence, position and armoury in a spirit of compassion. The truth of the powerful, White, rich and privileged nations says that the world is threatened by 'Black' countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Palestine and Iran which should be bombed out of existence, especially when the lives of their population are worthless in the face of such 'truths' which seek justification for racist acts. At the same time people from culturally diverse countries appear to have few rights. The Afghanis being held in Cuba, the thousands of Iraqi people killed without a murmur, their lives being more expendable than American ones, and Palestinian towns razed to the ground, in response to the equally obnoxious suicide bombings - regardless of the human and economic costs. These are just a few of the most obvious and disturbing examples.

Igniting the Sleeping Majority
It takes only one conflict too many to rapidly diminish a nation's resources, so talk of igniting a war against other countries like Iran might well ignite the sleeping majority into action. If the Philippines and Cory Aquino taught the world any lesson it is that, where politicians are perceived to be inactive, ineffective, biased or unjust, the people usually take the initiative in some way to correct that imbalance.

The rise of the extreme right is thus a wake-up call to every person within the decent law-abiding majority of whatever race, colour, creed or culture across the world. We can all rise with purpose, take note and act individually or collectively against the mushrooming tentacles of inequality and racism. Or we can ignore the alarm and go back to sleep, oblivious to the ominous consequences while remaining cosy in our comfortable bed in a dreamworld of false security.

The choice is entirely ours.

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