Thursday 24 July 2008

How to tell if you're successful in life

Being successful in life purely depends on your values. Anything that reinforces, maintains and enhances those values to affirm who you are tells you how successful you are. Your success is not defined by the rest of the world but by you. For example, you could be very rich as a public mark of success, but if you took vows which rejected money (like nuns), or money was not a priority for you, no amount of wealth would make you feel successful. It would take something else which aligns with your personal values and desires to give you that feeling of true success.

For some people like me, just waking up each day in good health is the greatest mark of success because everything else flows from life and health. But genuine success tends to come from anything we desire, anything we have worked hard for, have been determined to get, with the hunger and perseverance to match. When it is realised, especially if it has taken a long time and vindicated our belief, success feels all the more sweeter because of that.

Success is not measured on the yardstick of others, but on what matters to us, whatever gives us a challenge and makes us feel worthy. So you can tell if you're successful in life when you feel really happy in that life, no matter what you possess. When you feel a sense of calm, serenity, peace and fulfilment, and with a great sense of joy and purpose, regardless of what you are doing and have achieved, you truly are successful.

How do YOU measure success?

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