Thursday 24 July 2008

If I Could Change the World

1. I would create Love Academies where people are taught how to love themselves and others unconditionally. Love is the greatest force for good in our world and there is not nearly enough to go round just now. Most of our problems occur because of that lack of love, either for ourselves or for others. Many people don't know how to love, how to engage others into their orbit or how to be more appreciative of themselves. In these Love Academies everyone would learn the principles of love, great ways to love themselves, key ways to encourage the best from others and how to improve their interactive skills to bridge cultural barriers, to engender greater understanding, to be far more expressive about their needs and to feel pride and self-esteem in their person, culture and identity.

Once people have more love, hopefully, they will start looking outward instead of just for themselves. They would be encouraged to use that new positive perception to help others who are less fortunate. There would be no wars and much more dialogue. On a personal level, everyone would have to help and assist just ONE more person in their orbit. In that way, we would gradually eradicate poverty, suffering and misunderstandings without any one individual or group having to take those burdens on their shoulder.

For example, I might teach my neighbour to read, and that neighbour would teach her friend to type and that friend would teach someone else a skill, on and on in a productive chain. This would prevent only a few people having to carry the burden of change, yet nothing being too onerous for each person to do. In that way, every person can make a small difference which leads to massive global changes.

2. Everyone would have to start and end their day with a compliment to someone, a praise, a kind word, and genuine warmth; an appreciation for something they have done. Many people go through life never hearing anything positive, yet being criticised, undervalued and unappreciated instead. It would make a lot more people feel inclusive, it would remove the emphasis from our 'me' culture and place the focus outwards and it would empower an awful lot of people who enjoy little recognition just now. In that way, there would be more good works done as people feel inspired to behave differently.

Everything flows out of love and appreciation of others, and whatever we are blessed with. Make love, appreciation and respect, the foundation of life and everything else will slowly, but surely, fall into place - something like I am personally enjoying now, and it's awesome.

How would YOU change the world? :o)

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