Saturday 4 October 2008

Have Standards in Palin's America Fallen so Terribly Low?

What do the vice-presidential debate and a racist incident that same day in a middle school have in common? Not much, on the face of it, but on a deeper level, they are both indicative of the state of America today; the low expectations of value, the low expectations of leadership and the increasingly low acceptance of what counts as right and wrong.

First of all, the debate. There has been much comment, most of it hot air, around the anticipated gladiatorial battle between Joe Biden for the Democrats and Sarah Palin for the Republicans. In many other cases, this would have been a non-event: so completely predictable in outcome, so false and superficial and so patroniising to public intelligence as to be almost nonsensical. Yet, the outcome has been presented as some kind of victory for Biden and a 'did much better than expected' scorecard for Palin. Phew, relief all round. She can rest easily now! This assessment is despite the fact that Sarah Palin scored an average of only 32% favourability rating across all the main polls compared to 57% for Joe Biden, a significant difference of 25% between them!

But when did a very competent man dumbing down his skills to suit an incompetent female opponent, who is clearly out of her depth, rate as a fair contest? When did a candidate choosing to answer only the questions she wanted while ignoring the rule of the debate become a true sign of talent and leadership? And when did a stream of regurgitated sound bytes from John McCain count as original answers to test personal capability? In case no one wants to say it, wants to admit it and is still pretending that the emperor has some clothes on, I will point out the bloody obvious: No amount of cribbing, cramming and ramming will make this lady any better than she has been or any more suitable for the highest placed deputy in the world.

Sarah Palin is so mediocre for a possible Vice President, she could even be dangerous to the country's reputation and growth. I will say that again in another form for those who might have missed it first time: Sarah Palin needs to stop now before she digs herself any deeper into a hole which is getting increasingly wider and more overwhelming! America needs to have a good look at itself and where it is going for the good of its children - its future and the mere thought of Sarah being anywhere near the hot seat of power. This has nothing to do with whether Obama is elected or not. Forget him. It has a lot to do with the standards of one of the most powerful countries, the pride in itself and where it wishes to go. If it sees Sarah Palin as a possible leader then that is NOT the America I have been in admiration of all my life, that we in Britain have envied so openly or the country that has set a commanding lead for others to follow.

America is the leader of the free world, for God's sake. Is Palin really the best they can proffer for the rest of that world to emulate? Someone who didn't do as badly as expected? What happened to someone brilliant, intelligent, knowledgeable, learned, inspiring, motivational, admirable, fantastic and articulate, to name a few? Aren't those qualities allowed at the top anymore in the new low-bar, anything-goes America?

School of bias
Apparently not, otherwise more effective action would have been taken in the case of the middle school teacher for seventh graders, in Marianna, Florida, who used the CHANGE word to represent an acronym which called Barack Obama a nigger. He wrote it on the blackboard for the kids to see it. He emphasised the word for their benefit. His offending sentence was reported as "Can you Help a Nigger Get Elected?" In a classroom of young kids in multicultural America, in the 21st century, this was possible. As a former teacher, I kept thinking of those kids of all colours and creeds, especially the ones who were Black and represented young 'niggers' in his eyes, having to sit through that whether they liked it or not. They would have been exposed to that poisonous label of disrespect, their value immediately crushed under the weight of racism and privilege, forced to endure that person's meanness, prejudice and vindictiveness, a captured audience in a sea of mediocrity.

I also thought of this man each day shaping those malleable young minds whatever way he chooses, denying the presence and value of some kids at the stroke of a pen, while raising the value of others at a whim, kids entirely at his mercy, and I felt a kind of impotent rage. What did he get for this gross abuse of power? 10 days suspension and some sensitivity training. What happened to instant dismissal from the education system and being prosecuted for breach of trust? What are we coming to when a system can condone such naked racism by having such a person still teaching the young?

I guess it is the same system, the same authority, the same new low-bar America that would willingly accept Sarah Palin to be a bona fide, skilled, articulate and deserving possible president in a heartbeat. The one suddenly regarded as 'qualified' for high office. The best many believe they have available to lead the most powerful country in the free world!


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